Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Sweet Third Child of Ours

Peter is quickly leaving baby land behind.  He has begun standing in the middle of the room and just waiting for us to notice.  With a smile on his face.  A few tentative steps here and there, but nothing captured on film yet!

Today, in the playroom, there was a giant free for all with bouncy balls flying around, all five of us involved.  And then I took the older two to the kitchen to get their dinners and just Matt and Peter played for a few minutes.  While in there, Matt noticed what I have been noticing for a few months now.  Peter loves time alone with just one other person.  He does fine in the rabble, but he sparkles when you get him by himself.  I have noticed that he often leaves the main room where everyone else is and crawls off to play in the playroom alone.  I find him lying on his belly, quietly engaged with playing with a toy of his older brother or sister, one that would surely be snatched away with a cry of "MINE!" (in spite of consequences that discourage this type of behavior) if they saw him with it. 

I used to think that these traits my children displayed were just baby traits and then, as they grew older, I realized that these are the beginnings of who they are.  Yes, to be guided and molded and nurtured, but in a way, who they are is who they are.

And this one, unless I miss my guess, has the makings of being an introvert like his Papa.  Only time will tell.

Matt and Peter

Matt and Peter

Matt and Peter

Matt and Peter
Like Papa, like Son.

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