Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Home again Home again..jiggity jog!

We survived the craziness of the holidays and are home safe!! Matt and I drove to Longview, TX (9 hrs) for the biennial trip home for Christmas and brought home with us a bouncing new (new to use) pump organ. It was my Grampa's and I inherited it from him. Not that he's not around any more, he just downsized and had no room for such a huge thing. It is actually much smaller than I remember, but then, I was shorter back then. A u-haul trailer and a very clever husband were instrumental in bringing it home. I am not the best at driving a trailer, but those old Best Buy skills came in handy for him. Anyhoo. We are home safe and it was a good trip. I have lots of photos to post on flikr. Ah, how I long for internet back at the house!! Merry Holidays to all!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Merry Christmas to all...and to all some eggnog!

I know you like our new page for Christmas!! We are sending out all of our E cards for the holidays to all of our friends far and wide in the world, but the people who live in town get English toffee...It's so not a fair world. Matt and I are doing great this year, along with Freckles who came home to live with me again this May. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Freckles Saga, I (Ariana) moved to Nashville in 2000 and was living with my aunt and uncle in Hendersonville (the country! but still "Nashville") and this little freckly dog showed up in the yard to play with their dogs. Her owner never claimed her and I didn't want her to go to the pound so I became a dog mom. Weird, I know, because I am not a dog person. But I am a Freckles kind of person. So many years and travels with both country and apartment living and what was intended to be a brief stint at my parent's house in Texas that turned into YEARS, (I am so fired from being a dog mom) she has come home and lives quite happily in her hugemongous crate that we call her "house" and that takes up half of our kitchen. If we could use it as a table it would be bigger than our current one. She had her 7th birthday, along with my 30th. It was quite the shin dig.
Matt and my friend Christy planned and pulled off a huge party with a live band (talented friends playing) along with dancing, food and what else, a pinata (sorry Spanish speakers. my computer no make that nnya thing)
Many of you didn't know, but Matt and I were separated last Christmas for reasons that we have discussed at length with our therapists. I didn't even write about it here. There would have been too many questions to field. But we are happy (most of the time! I mean come's marriage, not a walk in the park) and are really enjoying celebrating this year together. We decorated our little East Nashville apartment with lights and hung our stockings on the bookshelf...I think we might skip the tree this year.
So a very Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!!
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