Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Home again Home again..jiggity jog!

We survived the craziness of the holidays and are home safe!! Matt and I drove to Longview, TX (9 hrs) for the biennial trip home for Christmas and brought home with us a bouncing new (new to use) pump organ. It was my Grampa's and I inherited it from him. Not that he's not around any more, he just downsized and had no room for such a huge thing. It is actually much smaller than I remember, but then, I was shorter back then. A u-haul trailer and a very clever husband were instrumental in bringing it home. I am not the best at driving a trailer, but those old Best Buy skills came in handy for him. Anyhoo. We are home safe and it was a good trip. I have lots of photos to post on flikr. Ah, how I long for internet back at the house!! Merry Holidays to all!!

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