I'm writing a theme song for a camp this summer and I am a little stuck. The theme for the camp is the Beatitudes, specifically from
Matthew 5, but how to distill them? I've read a lot of lesson plans on how to teach them to children, but most of them come across as a list of rules or good works that you can do to get close to God. I know there is nothing I can do that is 'good enough' to bring me to God, so it isn't a list of 'do this and you'll be blessed'.
So how to break it down for children ages 3-11 without making it sound like a list of rules? Here's a version from
The Message. I like it much better. So I've been rolling this over and over in my mind. The message, though they may not get it now, is important. I want it to stick with them.
My thoughts so far:
Merriam Webster defines blessed as this:
1 held in reverence, venerated, honored in worship, hallowed ex: the blessed Trinity
2.beatific, blessed visitation, of or enjoying happiness, enjoying the bliss of heaven —used as a title for a beatified person
3.bringing pleasure, contentment, or good fortune
Enjoying the bliss of heaven or the 'complete happiness' of heaven...
This is more like a list of things that show how much I am loved and how every place I may be in, He is there with me, and in that is joy.
For example:
When I've reached the end of myself, He is there waiting for me.
When I grieve and am sad, I am held so close.
When I understand that I am his joy, his creation, just as I am, then I'll see how He delights in me.
When I am hungry for God, I'll be filled with the best food I've ever had.
And so on.
I'm going to continue rolling this around until it's a song. I'd like to remove all the Christian-ese until it's just a simple thought, a prayer, a praise, a joy, a song.
Thoughts on the Beatitudes?