Friday, August 05, 2011

Lazy Afternoons and Flying Babies

It's hot.  I'm sure it's not hotter than other summers, but it's August and going outside (from my nice and cool 75 F house) feels like hitting a wall of hot air.  Add to that, we have been without a second car and therefore stuck at the house with our only form of transportation being my feet and a double stroller, and it adds up to lazy afternoons at the house.  Reading, lounging, playing, and building.  We've been putting to use our new discount store quilt (and matching shams - oo la la...we've been reading Fancy Nancy a lot.  Can you tell?) to good use and the children have fun while I fold laundry or some other low intensity form of cleaning that doesn't require too much of my attention.  I love these sweet babies.
Lazy Afternoon
Lazy Afternoon
Flying Baby
And for good measure, here's a flying baby. J LOVES to do this!  Happy Friday!  See you on Monday. 
(Teaser...Matt got a motorcycle...)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Fancy nancy. too cute. but I could swear it LOOKS like she's reading the Little Engine that Could.

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