Monday, August 03, 2009

Packin' up for Grammas!

Tuesday morning, at the crack of dawn (or 8am, lets face it, I procrastinate) the babe and I will head south (south-east-ish) to the land of Lanta. Hot-Lanta. (also known as Atlanta) The Geek's mom lives in a northern suburb of that city and we are way overdue for a Gramma visit. The Geek will stay here and support my stay-at-home-mom habit ;) while me and the bitty bird go flitting across country.

Since it's only an overnight trip, we will be packing cloth diapers. I hate to buy paper ones and then give the unused ones away, since I don't want to use them. I hate to waste money! Anyhoo, there are cousins to visit, sisters-in-law to gab with, swimming to be done, and not a moment to lose! We'll be back with lots of photos. (I'd better charge my camera batteries!)

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