Monday, February 25, 2008

Grammar can be sexy!

A friend recently (gently) ridiculed the usefulness of a chapter in this book for boys, about grammar. (Odd, seeing as his wife LOVES grammar and if I'm not mistaken is a bit of a comma cop -tee hee!) I happen to think grammar is quite useful, even if I don't have the best habits about it here, as is noted by my 'reading level' evaluation. Which, incidentally, just dropped to elementary school! However, in praise of the semi-colon, I was delighted to read this article in the New York Times recently...
I also love that it's the best way to wink (in an email), without being too risqué.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

more specifically, what i ridiculed was that the chapter talked about prepositions, etc. it was really more about syntax than grammar.

I am a stickler myself when it comes to commas (particularly the use of the oxford comma) and other such rules (i love me some elipsis).

However, i dont know what a preposition is, and function quite well as a public speaker, trainer, and do quite a bit of writing.

Of course my real point was that the rest of the book was chock full of things like how to make detonators out of clocks and other MacGuyver-ish things. The grammar section didn't seem to belong, and wasn't well defended as practical...because it isn't ;-)

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