Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A word of caution

photo from here

OK. Second post of the day, but this was too good not to tell you. My dear sweet husband braved single fatherhood this past weekend and just before I left, I said something like this..."Oh yeah! I'm shaking the poop out of her diapers into the potty now. Just FYI."

I returned home to a sightly annoyed husband who informed me that he was NEVER washing diapers again. EVAR! Mystified, I asked why, saying 'You don't even have to touch them, why is it gross?' Apparently my instructions were not very clear and he in preparation for washing the used diapers, had gone through the entire diaper pail (after they had been sitting there for 2 days!!!) and tried to get the poop off of the diapers, one at a time. Poor, brave soul!! This was the first time he had ever washed them and if this is how I had to clean them, I would be RUNNING to the store for a box of 'sposies'. (or I would have said 'screw it!' and just thrown them in.) He was trying to do it right and thought this is what I meant! I'm sure he was questioning my sanity as he gagged through the entire pail.

I couldn't help it. I laughed and then apologised profusely for not explaining it better.

The moral to this story? Communication is key. (and cloth diaper care mystifies many, not just hubbies)


Anonymous said...

ahHAHAHAHAHAah omg I laughed so hard at this... poor guy!

Thesupermanns said...

1. I laughed So hard at this post.....poor matt...
2. You have been the sole diaper cleaner for a while huh?...BLESS YOUR HEART ARIANA!!!! THats lots of diaper cleaning all by yourself. i know Matt workin hard every day for you guys but im glad he has a glimpse of how hard you're workin too....

Shauna At LavaCon said...

Hey Ariana - Just read this on my quest to learn everything about cloth diapers and actually burst out laughing at work! I couldn't help it. Hilarious. Thanks for sharing, and all your great diaper posts.
-Shauna from bookclub

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