Monday, January 16, 2012

Messy Monday

My friend and fellow music mama posted this lovely post about the Beauty and the Mess.  About how mom bloggers post the perfectness of their lives and hardly ever the mess and how that can be discouraging for those of us who don't have our proverbial $hit together (like me).  In celebration of the mess, she called for others to join her in her imperfection.

This is not my first post about the mess that I hid in my photos.  About letting it go and enjoying relationships over a shiny floor.  It's not the first time I've let you know that I am SO far from having it all together.  But it's the first time I feel camaraderie with other blog mamas who are a work in progress.  Who aren't only willing to show how well they do life, but how badly or how messily, or how imperfectly.  And how beautiful that is.  So here is my contribution to Messy Monday.

Messy Monday 
My dining table. A mess on top, a mess underneath.

Messy Monday 
My beautiful daughter who has been wearing the same clothes for 2 days, bed hair and playing with the stroller which has been occupying the dining room for weeks now. 

Messy Monday 
And this. Which Cora so kindly pointed to for me. I think it is sweet potatoes and judging from how dried and crusty it is, it may have been there for weeks since that is the last time I mopped the floor. Usually I rely on the dog to clean up any leftover tidbits after dinner, but apparently she wasn't down with sweet potatoes. Classic.

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