Sunday, October 12, 2008

Goodbye Privets of DOOOOM

Our neighborhood group, of which about 30 people attend, planned a big work weekend at our house to help us get the house and yard in order before our baby girl decides to make her appearance on the outside. We had a small turnout (4 yesterday and 3 today - which I have to remember is not about me, but about how people want to spend their weekend), but it was insane how much brush they cut out of our yard! We wore out the neighbor's chainsaw (which we now have to repair) and the boys broke two sets of clippers (methinks they were exceeding the 1.5 inch diameter of branch rule) and resorted to the hacksaw and still made a huge dent. The 'SUPERHEDGE' of growth between us and the house next door that is for sale is gone, baby gone. The two Privet bushes of doom that were threatening the life of the Silver Maple are gone. We actually have a side yard instead of a breeding ground for more mosquitoes! Yesterday it seemed as if the porch had expanded from all the extra light and space around it.

Also accomplished by one brave soul (Erin!) who agreed to tackle this while the menfolk did more manly chainsawing, the nursery is Spackled, primed and ready for painting! We actually used much less primer than I thought we would. Two other gals (Rachel and Desiree!) from neighborhood group came by eariler this week and got the walls washed and sanded! Thanks gals! The Geek and I have a cute mural planned out and will get on that soon enough. I will draw it out and he'll paint! (Paint by numbers if you will)

Just for contrast, here's some before and...well...during photos until we figure out what to do with all the brush that won't fit in the alley!

before - you can't even see the right (as you face it) side of our house!!

During(ish) - there appears to be a...could it be?! A neighbor's house! Wow. We never even knew they were there! :)

As you can see, there is more hauling of brush to be done and we have not figured out where to put it, or if the Metro brush pickup will do a special pickup for us. If not, we are going to have to locate a truck or a hay trailer to borrow. Anyone got one? All in all, it's nice to have a yard. I love it! Thanks neighborhood group!


Christy said...

Yay! That's wonderful! I am so glad for you.

I have some extra irises laying around, if you want them.

Kendra & Tobin Kirk said...

It looks magnificant!!!

The Velvet Trunk said...

Wow girl! How cool is that- what great neighbors!! :)

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