Friday, November 20, 2009

Holiday Kitchen :: Candied Almonds

I love the holidays!  Especially the preparing (and let's face it, eating some too) of so many great dishes.  For a little brunch I attended this morning, I whipped up some candied almonds.  It was very simple! 

Candied Almonds
1/2 cup water
1 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp chili powder (or a bit more if you like them spicy.
2 cups of raw almonds

Set the almonds aside and mix all remaining ingredients over a medium heat in a large thick bottomed sauce pan until the sugar dissolves and the mixture comes to a boil.  Add in the almonds.  With a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula stir the mixture continually, but not rapidly, until most, BUT NOT ALL, of the moisture has boiled out. 

Once the moisture has boiled out, the sugar will crystallize very fast.  Watch the edge of the pan for the start of crystallization.  You want to get the almonds out of the pan before that happens.  While the nuts still have a shine to them, but are not dripping in the caramelized sugar, pour them out onto parchment paper to cool.  Separate any clusters.  Allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container.  Serve at your favorite holiday gathering! 


OK.  I'll admit it.  I've been a slacker blogger this week, posting just before midnight and just eeking in a few words here and there.  I guess I'm having trouble adjusting to life with work added back in.  Maybe I'm just out of things to say (naaah.  That can't be it!).  Either way,  I'll be back to more punctual posting on Monday, chock full of ideas, I hope!    Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

The Morginskys said...

oh! lovely! post some more yumminess!

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