Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful :: Family - all zillion of them

This does not even being to cover half of them, but it's a good start and is most of the immediate ones (at least on my side.  It's funny how family becomes more important with the years that go by.  I didn't think of them very much as part of the fabric of my life and there was also a time in my youthful selfishness that I didn't think very much of them either.  Now, this holiday spent without them while they all head to a family camp, I am a little sad.  I miss them, no matter how many weeks I head to TX to catch up on visits this summer.

So here's a smooch along the miles (and probably bounced between cell phone towers, rather than sent along the phone lines).  I miss you all and am so thankful for every single on of you.

1 comment:

Busy Nothings said...

We love you, too :) I am bummed that you aren't going to be there....booo

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