Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Goodbye to babyhood

Well, it's really, really official now.  Cora turned 1 in October, but in my head, I said 'She was early, so she won't REALLY be one until December'.  And now it is December.  Her actual due date was 4 days ago and I am having trouble wrapping my head around my girl as a big girl, not a baby.  Yesterday, she figured out how to feed herself with a spoon! 

And yet, I give her a bottle in the morning and we snuggle in the squooshy chair and look at all the twinkly lights on the tree.  I can always think of a reason to keep up this habit! "Well, if she was nursing, we'd still be doing this." (We aren't).  I just love the snuggly time.  I know it can happen with a sippy cup too, but she won't use one, just straw cups and they aren't really conducive to snuggling because, well, you have to sit up!  So I'm clinging to the last of babyhood.  Maybe I'll be ready when she starts to walk...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Or maybe you'll keep hanging on, like me. Will is almost 22 months, walking, calling true babies "beh-beh" and opening the refrigerator by himself. Yet I look at him and see such a baby face, and I hold him and he FEELS like a baby to me (albeit it a very heavy one...) Still very much think of him as a baby.

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