Friday, September 19, 2008

Oh...that's not right...

Yes, I'm escaping. Don't judge me!

Since this blog is about the Musician (me) and the Geek (my hubs) and the analogy of our married life given is the Mac vs. PC we are so opposite, I found it very funny that there are PC vs. Mac commercials. All of them can be found here. I'll add one here, just for a taste. It's a little too close to home with my Geek out earning me on a scale of...oh...let's not talk about it, shall we? It's too depressing. But damn it! I'm artsy!


The Velvet Trunk said...

OH MY GOSH- I LOVE YOU for posting this!!! I am a PC person in the midst of a MAC one and dang it- I'm sticking by them! Every MAC person I know (as wonderful as they are) is pretty much computer illiterate except for the fact that they swear up and down their MACs are indestructible. Drives me nuts.... Geesh- need duct tape on my mouth when it comes to this! ;-)

Love love this one- thanks girlie! :)

The Velvet Trunk said...

Oh shoot- I just realized YOU were the MAC person. Well, I can honestly say I have no idea if you are computer illiterate or not but I definitely know you're artsy! ;-)

Love you girl and forgive the MAC trash talk....up until a month ago I lived with two die hard MAC people that trash talked my PC day in and day out and all I could do was nod and smile. Hence, the whole reason for duct tape now... :)

Love you bud,

Ariana said...

It's ok. Here's a secret...I don't actually USE a Mac, but a PC and can actually keep up pretty well with hubs, except when it comes to all the high level programming language he uses. It's just the juxtaposition of the two of us that I love! Mac people can be a bit overzealous, I understand.

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